Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Half Baked

There's a woman out here named Lierre Keith, who has caused a stir in the "anarcho-vegan community." She (I've never heard of her) used to be a noisy vegan activist, but has since turned apostate and has even written a book stating that the vegan diet is (gasp) unhealthy. The vegan crowd does not take kindly to this sort of thing: Pie-in-Face Attack Roils Anarchist-Vegan World
An ex-vegan who was hit with chili pepper-laced pies at an anarchist event in San Francisco said Tuesday that her assailants were cowards who should direct their herbivorous rage at the powerful - not at a fellow radical for writing a book denouncing animal-free diets.

Lierre Keith, a 45-year-old Arcata resident, was attacked at 2:15 p.m. Saturday at the 15th annual Bay Area Anarchist Book Fair while discussing her 2009 book, "The Vegetarian Myth." A 20-year vegan, Keith now argues that the diet is unhealthy and that agriculture is destroying the world.

As Keith stood at a lectern at the Hall of Flowers in Golden Gate Park, three people in masks and black hooded sweatshirts ran from backstage, shouted, "Go vegan!" and threw pies in her face. While they fled, some in the audience cheered or handed out leaflets.

A chili-flavored pie?! Gross!

Keith is also being denounced as an "animal holocaust denier" and has even been chided for calling in "agents of state oppression" - that would be the police - after she was battered with the pie.

The Left's collective neuroses about health and food inevitably leads to this sort of debate via intimidation. As one of the commentators at the linked article says, "If you are friends with vegans, you don't need enemies."

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