Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Waiting for the Wave: GOP Candidates Falling in CA

Groan. There's at least one poll out there that shows Meg Whitman and Carly Fiorina running behind their Democratic opponents. I know, I know. They're within the margin of error, and there's plenty of time, and maybe there was a crazy sample size, but still...this doesn't inspire confidence. First Meg Whitman:
In the race for the open Governor's seat, Democrat Jerry Brown clings today to a narrow 47% to 43% advantage. Brown is up a nominal point since the previous poll; Republican Meg Whitman is flat. There is little internal movement among many demographic subgroups, with Hispanics being an exception, where Brown had led by 11 points, now leads by 24. Whitman has offsetting strength among the larger population of white voters, dulling the overall impact of Brown's Hispanic gains.
And then Carly Fiorina:
In the race for US Senator, incumbent Democrat Barbara Boxer clings today to a narrow 46% to 43% advantage. Compared to an identical SurveyUSA poll released 12 days ago, Boxer is down 3 points; Republican Carly Fiorina is flat. Seniors are moving toward Boxer; voters under age 50 are giving Fiorina another look.
There are millions of people in California who have a major mental hurdle to overcome in order to vote for a Republican. This has nothing to do with "wedge issues" or the "spendthrift GOP Congress." The GOP always seems to be on the outs here, and when we do manage to elect a governor ... we end up with someone who responds to a fiscal crisis by trying to raise taxes and increase debt, while ignoring the state's exploding entitlement spending. California is practically the poster child for misguided progressive overreach, yet that just doesn't seem to matter. If that sounds bitter, well, it's meant to be.

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