Saturday, September 5, 2009

Welcome Back, McCotter

If you find yourself planted in front of the TV on Sunday morning watching the Sunday "chat" shows, do yourself a favor and watch this series of interviews by Peter Robinson of GOP Congressman (and #4 man in the GOP caucus leadership) Thaddeus McCotter instead: GOP Principles With Thaddeus McCotter.

The Congressman is a dour, understated man with a very dry wit, but he is also a fine expounder of GOP and conservative ideals. There are actually 5 parts to this interview, and when you are finished watching, you will no longer despair over whether the GOP has any strong advocates. Now, the next time you see some no-name Republican's peccadillos denounced as "symbolic of a culture of corruption," you can grit your teeth and think, "Well, at least we've got McCotter."

On one point, I did have to disagree with McCotter. When asked whether the GOP congressional delegation's racial and gender make-up - it is still overwhelmingly white and male - would present any problems in appealing to a majority of voters, McCotter brushes Robinson off by saying. hey, we ran a bunch of women and minority candidates, and they all lost. Wrong answer. Instead, McCotter and the rest of the GOP leadership should adopt the Mike Singletary approach to building their team: "I Want Winners"

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