Sunday, September 6, 2009

Van Caravan

I didn't think Van Jones would resign because the controversy over his views was a "Fox News Story." Shows you what happens when you rely on me for predictions. Gateway Pundit was the person who dug up the goods on Jones, so he deserves to give us the good news: Communist Green Czar Van Jones- Resigns
Good-bye, victim.
Don't let the White House door hit your communist butt on the way out.
Glen Beck deserves kudos, too. He was the closest thing to a mainstream media figure who was pushing this story in a major way. Not only that, Jones originally tried to get the upper hand by declaring a "boycott" against Beck when Beck's reporting started to get a little too close for comfort. Good for Beck that he doubled down and took this guy out. Those of you who think that Beck is nothing more than a buffoon need to ask yourselves why "stoopid" Beck got this right and the respectable media got it wrong.

Of course, none of the pro-Van Spin I've seen has acknowledged Beck's role in this. To do so would make their heads explode. Instead, unnamed right wing Republicans and (shudder) bloggers are supposed to be the cause of all this fuss. That's the way it always is with Leftists. They lie and obfuscate about their positions and then play victim when the words they speak in front of "friendlies" come back to bite them.

Ed Driscoll has the definitive link-fest: Van Goes Under The Bus

The NY Times and other Big Shot Hard News outlets are finally carrying this story, but I absolutely refuse to link to them since they played no part in exposing the truth about Jones. Instead, I'll send you over to The Other McCain, who has plenty of links and a pertinent question: Who Hired Van Jones? Don't expect to learn the answer to that question from the MSM.

Me, I would like to know why no one batted an eye when Obama announced that he was setting up the office of "Green Jobs Czar," and then gave him a $30 billion budget to work with. That seems like a lot of responsibility for a guy who can charitably be described as little more than a far-Left street activist. Was he going to be putting "Help Wanted" ads in the paper? Was he going to be helping people fill out job applications? Or, was he going to "re-make The System" because "we need a new System?" His was a dangerously ambiguous position, one that reflected the deliberately vague manner in which Obama campaigned last fall.

The fact that he had this job was scandal enough. That he was an avowed communist who clearly disliked the United States was a reminder that fellow travelers and the popular front are still with us.

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