Friday, July 10, 2009

The Ugly Racism of Free Will: Revealed!

This post may get a little ugly, but stories like this bring out the Sheriff Joe in me: Gang Killers Shot Men for Wearing Red

Two suspected members of the MS-13 gang have been arrested and a third is being sought in the Daly City slaying of a 21-year-old college student who was shot because his friends were wearing red - a color claimed by a rival gang - police said Thursday.

One of Moises Frias Jr.'s companions was wearing a red sweater, and another a red-and-white San Francisco 49ers cap, when their car was riddled with bullets near the Daly City BART station Feb. 19. Frias died before he could reach the hospital, and two of the other three young men in the car were wounded.

None of the victims had anything to do with gangs, investigators said.

I think we can all agree that the average spanish-speaking immigrant - illegal or not - is peaceful and hard-working. But America's de facto policy of allowing anyone who can cross the border to stay herre indefinintely is bringing in a lot of murderous scum along with the babies and grnadmothers who are the media's and Left's preferred immigrant spokespeople. The media and political environment around illegal immigration has become so one-sided that proponents of unlimited immigration are comfortable decrying any nay-sayers as racist know-nothings who are betraying America's "proud tradition" of immigration, which proudly dates all the way back to the Sixties.

The reporters who wrote this story seem oddly incurious about whether the killers were in the country illegally. Oh, it does mention that one was "deported to his native Mexico" soon after the shooting. I can put 2 and 2 together, even if the SF Chronicle doesn't want me to. And, even the Chronicle has to admit that this is not the first time foreign gang bangers have "taken it to the streets" against US citizens.

Around the Bay Area, authorities say several such cases of mistaken gang affiliation in recent years have prompted killings, assaults and robberies. Many young Latino men say they are routinely "checked," or asked whether they are Norteño or Sureño.

"They don't do much verification of rival gang membership," Oglesby said. "It's a variation of racial profiling, but with potentially deadly consequences."

I love Oglesby's idea that this is a "variation of racial profiling." Maybe Al Sharpton can lead a march on MS-13 HQ and threaten them with a boycott. At least we won't have to listen to him for a while.

The Bay Area is famous for being ground zero for liberal immigration policies: sanctuary cities, May Day marches, theatrics over workplace raids, wind-baggy speeches about what is or is not "unamerican" - we've got it all! SF has been especially innovative with the City going as far as to fly drug felons out of the country rather than turn them over to the feds. And you say MS-13 is operating in the Bay Area and killing innocents? Pish Posh, these are two separate issues!

The fact that this happened in Daly City hardly lets SF off the hook. For those of you unfamiliar with Bay Area geography, Daly City borders SF to the south. The area where Frias was killed is literally a cross roads between the two cities, with SF on on side of the street and Daly City on the other.

The dead man's father had the last word on the thought process that would lead a person to kill someone else for wearing red:
"That's very stupid thinking," Moises Frias Sr. said after learning of the arrests. "They're going to shoot him just because of that? Why don't they just kill each other?"
Amen, but lot of stupid thinking among our political leaders has also lead to our streets being increasingly filled with illegal immigrant killers. If someone on talk radio raises the possibility of MS-13 ravaging our streets (and they have. Bill O'reilley, for one, was talking about this years ago), then the likes of Nancy Pelosi, Ted Kennedy, and Lindsey Graham stand ready to denounce "racism" and "fear mongering." Well, MS-13 is here, and actually killing people. We are no longer at the "fear mongering" stage. Are we still racists?

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